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8 Signs You're an Introvert

Writer's picture: TinaTina

If you find yourself regularly drained after socializing, preferring quiet activities, or spending time alone, you may be an introvert.

Once you realize that doing your own thing is a great way to live life, you can be extremely happy as an introvert. Setting boundaries, making your own choices, and living the way you want to are the key to enjoying life as an introverted person.

In this post, I'm discussing a few of the common signs that you have an introverted personality.

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What actually is a correct and precise definition of an introvert?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines an introvert as: "a person whose personality is characterized by introversion: a typically reserved or quiet person who tends to be introspective and enjoys spending time alone"

Internal feelings rather than external stimuli are the focus of introversion, which is considered a personality trait. It's common for people to think of themselves as either an introvert or an extrovert, but the truth is that most people fall somewhere in between.

Living life as an introvert opens you up to a lot of criticism and speculation. There are plenty of misconceptions about introverts, despite the fact that they make up between 25 and 40 percent of the population.

In addition, introversion should not be confused with shyness or social anxiety. Having an introverted personality does not imply that you are socially apprehensive or fearful of social situations although these things often go hand in hand.

This blog post explores eight signs which are tell-tales that you may be an introvert (yay! join the club).

Here are eight signs that you may be an introvert:

1. You recharge your energy by being alone

Spending time alone recharges introverts (or those with introverted tendencies). Whether it's something basic like watching an episode of a favorite TV show or doing some light yoga alone, the typical introvert likes to recharge alone.

When exposed to large crowds for extended periods of time, they experience a loss of energy.

Those who are extroverts, on the other hand, derive their energy from interacting with other individuals. It gives them a kind of rush whereas if you're an introvert, you might feel like you need a break from others.

Be sure to stay away from toxic people, even if it means you come off as rude.

Setting healthy boundaries makes it easier to deal with social anxiety. If you know you have to go see people you don't like, just be firm about avoiding them and tell them you can't go. If it's a work thing or a family matter, you can voice your concerns when you feel personally attacked by toxic people.

How much time do introverts need to recharge?

You might need to recharge for an hour (or more) after you've been socially exhausted for 1-2 hours. Furthermore, introverts tend to shut down for a few days to a week if they completely drain themselves. 

This doesn't necessarily mean that you act like a hermit, but you like to value some precious alone-time or me-time to focus on yourself and your well-being.

2. Small talk exhausts you

Small talk isn't something that everyone enjoys. I'll be the first to admit I hate making small talk about the weather, other people, or banal things.

But I feel like introverts hate small talk the most. It's mentally exhausting as well as mind-numbingly boring, like watching an awful movie.

What really bugs me though is that small talk is hard to escape. I avoid it when I can but I'm sure you've felt a sense of annoyance at people who come to you and start making small talk - I think that's a good indication that you're an introvert.

Thankfully, there are some books that teach you how to make small talk in case you really need to!

Introverts, by definition, are people who are easily worn out by social interaction. Most of us have little interest in gossiping about our coworkers' weekend plans, the neighbor's new car, the weather, or anything else that has nothing to do with us. Many of us do like to read about it or see other people through social media - just not face to face.

When it comes to small talk, introverts do not dislike it because they dislike people, although some do (I know, it's mean). But the main reason we despise small talk is because of the wall it builds between us and other people.

Small talk, by nature, is highly superficial and pretty meaningless. In order to appear "polite" and "nice," the speaker avoids expressing any feelings of vulnerability, honesty, or intimacy. It's hard to develop a real connection through basic small talk.

If you and a person are stuck in small talk mode, you won't learn anything new about each other, which means your relationship won't progress in a meaningful way.

Meaningful communication is impossible in the midst of small talk.

When it comes to introverts, this is a nightmare. Their brains are wired to go deep and feel real emotion.

For many introverts, communication is a challenge because we're misunderstood. So, when you combine the communication barrier with a lack of meaningful conversation, it creates a bit of chaos in the mind.

An introvert is often driven by a desire to see into the minds of others and to open up about his or her own.

Dissecting a big idea, finding out about what makes people tick, and pondering the meaning of life are all things we'd like to do. Well, to be honest, we also like to observe people and see how they behave, how they express themselves, and how they talk.

3. Crowds make you feel anxious and overwhelmed

A person who is an introvert may decline a social invitation because they prefer to spend time alone.

As an innate personality trait, introversion is a trait that will remain with an introvert for the rest of their lives.

But the thing is that being in large crowds is stressful for most introverts. Too many stimuli can make you feel uneasy.

It can be difficult for introverts to stay focused and calm if they are forced to participate in activities or environments that are too fast-paced. For their part, extroverts thrive in a fast-paced, high-energy environment where they have little chance of getting bored.

But for an introvert, being around lots of people and a busy environment can lead to a lack of productivity.

Generally, introverts prefer a calmer, less hectic environment.

As an introvert, you are more likely to feel overwhelmed in crowded social situations.

4. You'd rather stay home than go to a party or social event

Do you ever feel a sense of dread at the thought of having to go out to some type of social gathering? This is something we introverts have to deal with regularly.

There's nothing wrong with staying at home to watch Netflix, or cooking and eating your dinner on the couch.

After all, not all social events lead to something positive or constructive and chances are, you probably feel more comfortable at home with loved ones, pets, or even by yourself. There are so many things you can do in your little cozy place.

Introverts crave comfort and familiarity. It is possible to be completely yourself when you are at home and not have to worry about what other people think.

Everything you do, say, and wear is completely up to you; you can even eat what you want. What society considers "normal" may not always be enjoyable when you're out in public. I'm sure you'd rather have your hair up, makeup off, and your cat or dog on your lap than be out listening to some random person boast about their jet-set life.

5. You know yourself very well and have a higher sense of self-awareness

Those who identify as introverts tend to spend a lot of time thinking about their own internal experiences. You may be more introverted if you have a deep understanding of your own thoughts, feelings, and motivations.

It is common for introverts to enjoy simply pondering and analyzing things in their heads.

Introverts place a high value on knowing and understanding themselves, and as a result, they often spend a lot of time doing just that. This could include looking into hobbies they enjoy, pondering their own lives, and reading books about subjects they care about.

If you have a strong sense of self-awareness and enjoy learning about yourself, you may be an introvert. This is actually a great thing because once you know yourself you can better help those around you and you can know what works or doesn't for your lifestyle.

6. You like to have a few close friends, not many acquaintances

If you don't have a large group of friends and don't consider yourself a social butterfly, you probably identify as an introvert.

Introverts have a reputation for being socially awkward. Having a small circle of close friends is important to introverts because they don't like to be around large groups of people all the time. Introverts prefer to focus on long-term, intimate relationships rather than a large social circle of people they know only on a superficial level.

Introverts tend to have a smaller circle of friends and acquaintances than extroverts. For the most part, their close relationships have a profound impact on them. For the same reason, they prefer interacting with others in smaller groups rather than in a large crowd.

7. People describe you as "shy" or "quiet"

Do you ever hear your parents, family, friends, or acquaintances describe you as "shy" or "reserved" to others?

People associate quietness and shyness with introversion.

Introverts are often described as shy because of their demeanor or lack of social cues.

While some introverts may be shy, they should not be misunderstood as being timid.

To avoid wasting time and energy, people with this personality type often avoid engaging in idle conversation.

An introvert is someone who prefers to keep to themselves and is reserved by nature.

But did you know shyness and introversion aren't necessarily linked?

Introverts aren't shy, and the two aren't mutually exclusive. The difference between introversion and shyness is that introversion is a personality trait, whereas shyness is an emotional state.

Shy people often feel awkward or uneasy in social situations, especially when they are around strangers. They may be so tense that they start to sweat.

8. You prefer to watch and learn instead of immersing yourself in activities

Extroverts prefer to get their hands dirty and learn by doing, whereas introverts prefer to learn by doing. Unlike extroverts, introverts prefer to learn by observation rather than trial and error.

There's something oddly satisfying about seeing others do things from a distance and then doing things at your own pace. You might feel nervous about having to do something new for the first time, especially if others are watching.

Introverts learn by watching others do things over and over again until they have mastered the ability to do the same thing on their own.

For the most part, introverts prefer to learn from their own mistakes and mistakes alone, in a quiet place where they are not expected to perform in front of others.

Watching rather than doing things can indicate that you're more introverted than you might think.

This applies to the workplace too - you probably like working from home or working independently instead of working in groups.



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